Clash Issue 111 Octavian
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True grit. You’ve either got it, or you haven’t. For some, it’s a virtue that is developed out of desperation - tactical obstinacy employed to endure - yet, for others, it’s simply their ingrained means of survival: living to fight, and fighting to live. As Clash strides defiantly into our 15th year, we proudly present a new issue that gives praise to a selection of such assiduous souls.
The third of this issue’s diligent cover stars is Octavian, the interplanetary rap strategist who’s firmly followed a uniquely instinctive plot since day dot. “If I want something to happen it will,” he attests, “because I know how to think of something and believe in it 100%.”
Ever since his early teens, Octavian has pulled destiny into his own hands, leaving home at the age of 14 and disconnecting with his family. Chasing his dreams came with costs - including a stint of homelessness - but this forward-thinking tactician has never limited his ambitions, incorporating a tunnel vision mentality to reach his goal. Since receiving a co-sign from Drake (who played ‘Party Here’ on his Instagram story last January), the London-based rapper’s accelerated rise has finally lifted him to a place where he can put into practice all the lessons he’s learned along the way.
“I’m going in the direction of being a smart man,” he affirms to Clash. “I’m taking all my anger and putting it into the right things, I’m taking my happiness and putting it into the right things. Good karma is happening because of me doing good things, and I know that as long as I carry on along this path there’s going to be good.”
Also featured in this issue is Lizzo, Lil Pump, Ezra Collective, Loyle Carner, Little Simz, Sigrid, Col3trane, Joji, David Crosby, Soak, and much more.
**Please note: Shipping from April 4th 2019.**